oh hey, i’m rugged fox
I am a West End man with a Prairie Heart living in Vancouver, BC. Over the last ten years, I have kept a record of my misadventures here in word and comic form.
My main addictions include red wine, Netflix, cream cheese and men. I am the proud father of my bags Pacey, Hunter and Jackson.
My hobbies include reading Vanity Fair, singing at the top of my lungs and dressing in a variety of questionable outfits.
My life philosophies are, “if it is not good for the face, it is not good for you” and “a bottle of wine a day keeps the therapist away.”
I am currently taking life one bad date at a time. I hope you enjoy following this ridiculous journey of laughter and love with me.
Yours in red hair and red wine,
Rugged Fox is a work of creative non-fiction and it is written by Sean Robert.