Rugged takes his love life offline.
All in Baby Fox
When his relationship with Knight flat lines, Rugged takes a break from online dating.
At a house party, Rugged begins to question whether or not he is a lesbian.
The classic nature versus nurture debate arises when Rugged questions how he got to be so flaming.
Rugged finds himself at a table for one, when his dinner date is canceled.
When all he wants to do is take it slow, the Fox begins to realize that signing-up for a gay hook-up site may not have been the best way to go.
There is a burning sensation under Rugged’s belt, and it is not what you think.
With zero luck meeting good men online, Rugged discovers one on his doorstep.
Reflecting on past relationships, Rugged realizes he had two first kisses.
Falling in love everywhere he shops, Rugged decides it is time to start dating online.
On his 24th birthday, the party comes to a full stop for Rugged Fox.
Rugged Fox takes a break from scheduled programming to let his fingertips rest.
Homesick in Vancouver, Rugged tunes into his favourite radio station from back home.